Originally Posted by dlish
Your narcissism is drenched in every comment of your OP. Good luck trying to find people willing to participate in the circlejerk thread you're inviting them to.
The fact that you ask for posts only from people who agree with you speaks volumes.
Speak volumes. In what way does it speak volumes? I have already heard, understood, and digested and contemplated the position of the married romantics on this forum. I didn't want to hear from them because I did not want to re-hash it all over again. That's all.
Are these people going to keep repeating themselves every time I make a thread? When is that going to get old for them? It is become old and tired for me already.
---------- Post added at 01:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:43 PM ----------
(Now a message to the everyone in the thread, since this place "attaches" follow ups onto the proceeding message)
I am a human being with ten fingers and ten toes. I cannot fathom that my understanding of the nature of men's biologically sexuality is so absolutely contrary to what all of you are saying. It is just not plausible in my mind that I am that different from all of you. There seems to be something about your sexuality which you are not admitting to or being honest about in its true manifestation.
The set of biological stimuli required for a man's body to complete a sex act does not seem to contain within itself these various aspects of which you are demanding I conjure up for some reason. You are going to have to tell me exactly why you demand I conjure up these things. These reasons appear to be solely political or cultural; in any case, none of you are stating them in clear english. In the thread that cynthetiq decided to lock on me, we have the example of Iris. She had group sex with five black men and later described the experience as unforseen types of euphoria. There was no romance in the act, and in modern times, it would be considered very dangerous. Iris's experience annihilates any faux argument about sex acts requiring care, mutuality, or even a feeling of
We could possibly live in a universe in which a man's body cannot complete a sex act unless he feels complete trust and emotional connection with his partner. We don't live in that universe. Do we?
If the true nature of men's sexuality looks more like a criminal assault than it does a marriage ceremony -- if that is the case, do not point your anger at me. Take your anger out on God, or on evolution, or wherever it is you think humanity sprang from.