Originally Posted by Makhnov
...I do not want to go to my grave *not knowing* the true nature of sexuality...
I'll spare you the condemnation since others here have already slammed you well enough and justifiably so. In the interests of salvaging an actual discussion out of this mess I'll add that I'm not in a committed relationship and I've probably had more than my fair share of sexual exploits and I've come to realize that a great deal of that depth to be found in exploring one's own sexuality has little if anything to do at all with the physical act. Ironically enough, there seems to be quite a bit you're missing out on.
Most of us found our way here through our love of sex and a shared willingness to engage in progressive discussions about it. We're not prudes, it just seems you haven't quite considered how your notions of connoisseurship contradict those of meaningful exploration. This would've been an appropriate enough place for discussion had the conversation gone either way but one can hardly expect to be invited in for dinner and dessert with an introduction like that.