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Old 12-16-2010, 06:28 PM   #18 (permalink)
Location: lotus land 3rd igloo on the right
UN deletes gay reference from anti-execution measures - Pink News

but hold on
(i just knew there was something wrong here)

Article 2
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnically, racial or religious group, as such:
Convention on Genocide

now seems to me
those strange fruit down south
hanging from the trees
is a bit more in tune with the UNs meanings

should there have been a un presence?
no matter that country's attitude?

or is that somehow different?
(we shall await somewhat patiently)

perhaps its this one we should be discussing
Signatories to the UN declaration on sexual orientation and gender identity

The proposed United Nations declaration on sexual orientation and gender identity is a Dutch/French-initiated, European Union-backed statement presented to the United Nations General Assembly on 18 December 2008.

The statement, originally intended to be adopted as resolution, prompted an Arab League-backed statement opposing it. Both statements remain open for signature and neither of them has been officially adopted by the United Nations General Assembly.

The proposed declaration includes a condemnation of violence, harassment, discrimination, exclusion, stigmatization, and prejudice based on sexual orientation and gender identity that undermine the integrity and dignity. It also includes condemnation of killings and executions, torture, arbitrary arrest, and deprivation of economic, social, and cultural rights on those grounds.

ah heh heh

lets see where the yanks voted?


(The United States became the 63d nation to sign the convention, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly in December 1984 )
U.S. signs UN convention against torture | US Department of State Bulletin | Find Articles at BNET

but back to it

In the declaration text, para 7 that "we recall the statement in 2006 before the Human Rights Council by fifty four countries requesting the President of the Council to provide an opportunity, at an appropriate future session of the Council, for discussing these violations." and para 8 that "we commend the attention paid to those issues by special procedures of the Human Rights Council and treaty bodies and encourage them to continue to integrate consideration of human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity within their relevant mandate.", indicate The Yogyakarta Principles which provide definitions in detail on sexual orientation and on gender identity as a document on international human rights law,[1] despite the Principles are not referred directly."
UN declaration on sexual orientation and gender identity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

now why some feel it pertinent to accuse
based solely on their detestation of the UN
the supposed failings thereof ?.....

well i remain confused
never stop questioning,curiosity has its own rewards
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