As seen in this thread: the discussion started turning to another question entirely...
Who is more obsessed with breast size? Men or women?
Do women want larger breasts to please themselves, men, or other women? Are men obsessed with breast size because they desire larger breasts on women?
I am sure there are other questions that will pop up as we explore this issue.
Personally, I'm fine with my breasts. I went through torture as an adolescent because I was the first girl in my school to really get them. I've never wanted larger breasts. I think the reasons as to why other women may want larger breasts are complicated; because I can't relate to them, it's difficult for me to speculate, but I think part of it--especially in adult women--is motivated by outside observations of other women. I think we just lay the blame on men--"oh, I wanted guys to notice me, so I got implants." I call BS: most guys I know don't mind implants in porn, but in real life is different. In my own life, the observations of other women were what made having breasts so young difficult. It gets really old to be asked for a tissue by the same two girls every day in 7th grade.
So what's your take on it?