Originally Posted by sound chaser
I'm currently chatting on MSN with some women who, shall we say, have a few extra pounds. I'm not knocking overweight women at all, and I don't all at mean to be offensive here. But it seems over the past few years I've started to like chubby (but not obese) women.
Do many men like chubby women? Or does society say that slim is beautiful (and is it just the media who push that)?
I like all kinds of girls (White, Asian, Latina, Black, Indian, etc), i do prefer a slim build. I also like thick chicks and sometimes a lilttle chubby can be cute, depends on the girl and how she carries herself and her swagger. Not into big girls though. We all have different tastes and beauty is in the eye of beholder...that will always hold true. And so i say to all the men and women out there, "love your body and use it any way you can, dont be afriad of it or what other people think of it, its the greatest instrument you will ever own." If that last part sounds familiar its because i took that quote/lyric from Baz Lurhman's wear sunscreen song and couldnt have said it better myself.
And to Marshmellofluff, you look pretty cute with a lovely smile. Thats one thing i notice about people first, is their smile...its contagious really. :-)