Originally Posted by Tully Mars
Wow, never seen a thread where so many from differing points of view agree. Not sure if I should be encouraged or scared.
For the most part I agree with most of the complaints here but I think bitching about the average TSA employee is really nothing more then shooting the messenger. My guess is over %50 of TSA workers were were working food service type jobs or unemployed prior to being hired. They're probably damn glad to have a job and are trying their best to follow the directions of management.
I also think the first time some suicide bomber shoves some C-4 up his ass and takes out a jet full of people then half of all Americans will willingly bend over for a cavity search. Over reaction replaced baseball as the US's favorite pass time a long time ago.
I don't really have any respect for someone who works in the TSA. I've flown many times and the people working for them just aren't the type of people I'd like to associate myself with. Their behavior reminds me more of prison guards than of a professional security agency.
They are short with everyone and always seem to be glaring or just generally in a bad mood. Also, anyone who would willingly do these invasive pat downs or inspect the full body naked scanners really have mental issues or sexual perversions imo.
Just doing your job doesn't cut it for me.