The trick is not to get addicted to the high of being lonely or broken-hearted.
That's right. I said "high".
Not to make light of real depression and misery but there's a state of wallow (familial to the quantum "Does she like me or does she not?" Zone) that can be addicting.
If you live a dull life, (sleep, eat, work, sleep...) broken heartedness and loneliness can add some comforting drama and story that's safer than actually pursuing another mate or forgetting a past one that defined you.
Moving on means a clean slate but also a lack of boundary and anchor. Uncharted Territory in other words that is a lot less comfortable than a warm bed with the shades drawn and Ron Sexsmith on the stereo.
Building an artificial intelligence that appreciates Mozart is easy. Building an A.I. that appreciates a theme restaurant is the real challenge - Kit Roebuck - Nine Planets Without Intelligent Life