I agree with Jinn, just take a bit of time and try to get out of the house.
When my girls were small I fell into a bit of a rut like you're in now. I was terribly starved for human connection, adult connection. So, I took a book and went and sat in the nearest restaurant and sipped on coffee. I could have my head in a book, listen to the other conversations and just be around people. Sometimes I wouldn't even pick the book up, just sitting there absorbing it all in helped a lot. These days with all the coffee shops you don't even need the book, you can just sit. Or you can go to a mall and walk around listening to others, or sit quietly and observe. Humans are very interesting creatures and it will stimulate your mind.
I don't think you need meds, sounds like you're going through some rough times and you'll get through them. You probably already know this and you came here because you knew people would remind you. You're home sick today, enjoy the peace and quiet. Tomorrow will look totally different if you allow yourself some rest today.
Good luck!