Thanks to the both of you. And thank you for your hints on oral sex, I'd love to be able to put them into practice if I could.
There's just something about the disconnect between her initial, total enthusiasm and then her quick rejection of it a few instances later that makes me think she's telling me little while lies to bypass the whole issue.
She definitely gets off on clitoral stimulation, as one of us will usually rub her clit during sex or as foreplay and she loves that, even quite roughly. Direct stimulation is no issue. And I can rule out her being (for want of a better word, sorry) 'prudish' - we've dabbled in dressing up, toys, outdoor sex, anal sex, some light bondage, etc. She's really not shy, conservative, ashamed, nothing like that.
And of course, she liked the idea of oral when we were at that beginning stage.
We have no problems communicating our likes and dislikes, being open and honest with all manner of things, including kinks. But I just can't help but think that she is trying to spare my feelings.
If I bring up the topic again, after having done so a few times and her assuring me that it's just not her thing, the implication will be that I am accusing her of lying, and that's a terribly confrontational thing to do, but the reality is... I am convinced/have convinced myself that she's just trying to spare my feelings.