My brother and I talked and he said he didn't care if I left. Haha. My parents ALREADY took their vacation, so we would not be gone the same time.
If I leave, it'd be Tuesday-Sunday. But on Thursdays and Sundays I am off and I have Saturday off because I worked an extra day last week on my day off. The only times the store is busy is Fri-Sunday...which is covered.
Oh, and I did plan it. I just haven't told them yet because I didn't find the right time.
I was just thinking if they took a vacation and I handled the store well with just 2 other workers...than surely I can take a vacation myself for only 5 days when there would be more workers at the store to handle the business compared to when my parents left.
Last edited by chelle21689; 10-28-2010 at 07:06 AM..