For a short answer, I think China is heading towards the more moderate socialism you mentioned. I'm basing that theory on current trends, like the economic change they implemented and how the Chinese simply cannot be the superpower they want to be if they remain authoritarian. It will be a very, very long time before they obtain even half the freedoms that Americans enjoy, but it's bound to happen eventually.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
So, China doesn't allow unfiltered Google searches - they seem to be doing o.k. without it.
This is a loaded issue. Are human/civil rights violations worse in China than in the US? I am not sure that is an obvious yes, do you?
Do you think the North Koreans are fine with being brainwashed? Of course they are, they know of nothing else. But if they could taste what freedoms we have, there's no way they would ever go back to what they have in North Korea. If the Chinese could Google whatever they wanted to, I think they would like that much more than having all the searches filtered. I'm talking from the perspective of the people, not the government leaders. That's another issue.
Yes, I think it is obvious that human and civil rights violations are worse in China. In simple terms, Americans have more rights than the Chinese do.