Originally Posted by Xerxys
You know, this is one of those situations I strongly urge against taking the default **puts on whiny voice** "lets TALK about this" advice this forum so oft offers. I mean, all the ones who went the "talk to her route" don't understand how that is an open invitation to "let's overthink this and fill it with angst to the brim until it spills over and pushes you away".
First, it appears that your only interested in wetting your whistle. Second, this girl just wants to get it on and you should just ...
Overthinking and filling it with awkward convo will damage and numb the sensation.
I don't think you want anything serious from her and if you do, then you're stupid.
EDIT: Soma, you've become like, chris angel or something!! "Lights-Camera-ACTION!!" Look at you go!
It doesn't have to be over-though and awkward; it could just be frank. At least then he'll know what page they're on. I don't see how he could find out any other way.
The advantage law is the best law in rugby, because it lets you ignore all the others for the good of the game.