This is a yearly suggestion, and most often than not, you'll receive a response along the lines of "the entire forum is already catered to and regarding men and our issues / interests , so there is no real reason to have a specific smoker's lounge, just to have one".
I think there's also an allusion to real societal life in there, but I'm trying to keep this short, and most likely, you didn't care after I said basically, this is not a new / gonna-happen-anytime-forever suggestion.
Just for sake of keeping your attention: what would be your first order of attention if we were to receive a "Men's Lounge"? What sort of dialogue would you strike up there, which you could not find another venue elsewhere to discuss?
Solely wondering why you want what you do not have, but yeah, really, you already got it. It's here; it's us; the TFP is a men's lounge already, with an additional backroom "Ladies' Room" to boot. What's not to like?
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world (that is the myth of the Atomic Age) as in being able to remake ourselves. —Mohandas K. Gandhi