What better way to shovel infotainment? Keep you dazed from visual input as well as aural.
They use attractive women to cover up their immense pile of bullshit and incredibly selfish pro-God pro-industry pro-war pro-life pro-white agenda?
You can distract decent men with tits all day. I've seen it happen. Somebody just recently posted that FOX News tit-juggle .GIF, didn't they?
Women-as-sex-objects discussions like this is part of the reason why politics are all dicked up *rimshot* in the first place.
I don't care what type of equipment my elected representative has in their underwear or how ugly they are if they do the job.
America the Retarded loves Sarah "Beauty Queen 'n Shit-fer-Brains" Palin. I've seen the bumper stickers. And it scares me.
Last edited by Plan9; 09-01-2010 at 08:00 PM..