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Old 06-15-2003, 09:28 AM   #11 (permalink)
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I agree that owners are responsible for the behavior of their dogs, but I'm going to go in another direction here and say that there are certain dogs that are prediposed to being dangerous.

Yes - you could turn a Golden Retriever into an attack dog, but it would take a lot more work than usual, because Goldens do not naturally exhibit that kind of behavior, unless they feel threatened.

Pit Bulls are especially dangerous because of the power of their jaws, and the severity of the wounds they can inflict - especially on children. I know there are thousands of Pit Bull owners out there who will say, "But my dog is so friendly - it would never harm anyone," but unfortunately, that same quote seems to be in every newspaper story involving a Pit Bull attack, and I truly believe that there is something in their genetic makeup that causes a few of them to snap and just "lose it" every now and then. Christ - less than a year ago, three Pit Bulls killed <i>and ate</i> their owner 50 miles from here. And her ex-husband wondered what she must have done to cause it, because "our dogs wouldn't do nothin' like that" unless provoked!!!!. Of course not, Bubba. Perhaps she under-seasoned their dog food. Or had the wrong music on the radio.

Let's face it - certain breeds carry certain, deliberate traits, and a big apology to all you Pit Bull owners out there, but the world would be a better place if there were less Pit Bulls and more Golden Retrievers. Yeah - I'll catch flak for that, but that's my opinion.

Now - getting back on thread here - I think anyone has a right to protect their property against any legitimate threat. If you don't want your dog shot, keep it on your own property.
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