I've never been one for pickup lines, when ever I try I just sound like somebody telling a bad joke and failing miserably. Instead I just opt for anything that might be an ice breaker and go from there works MUCH MUCH better.
Never the less..
...I've caught a few girls off guard with "nice shoes wanna fuck?". Doesn't work very often but sometimes you catch somebody so off guard they feel compelled to find out more about you.
I've heard this one sooo many times in bars around here (usually from tourists) that its actually become painful. "Are you from Tennessee because you're the only Ten I see"...yeah. Its right up there with "whats your sign" but living smack dab in the middle of Tennessee I hear it a lot more then any person ever should. I mean why would anybody even try that one?
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”