another "need a push" joke...
george is in bed with his wife and they've just finished having sex.
george rolls over and starts to go to sleep when he hears someone knocking on the door.
he doesnt want to go as its past midnight and he has a long day ahead of him in the morning.
the stranger shouts through the letterbox
"help, i stopped my car in a snowdrift and now i need a push"
george ignores it, thinking that the twat will go away, but his wife reminds him about the time a few years ago, when george's car broke down on the way to their first date, and how if he hadnt got a push from a stranger then, they wouldnt be together.
with his wife's karmic advice urging him on, george get out of bed and puts on his clothes, trudges down the stairs and opens the door.
the stranger is no-where to be seen, so he shouts "do you still need a push? i cant see anythign in this white-out"
"i'm over here on the swing"