I realize that you are far more adept than me (well, anyone is) at creating a first impression in a new thread's discussion, and while I have had no epiphanies lately, (that I care to remember, or spend the next off-two hours trying to remember them, then crying about it) I'll just say I do, indeed, try to learn something new everyday. I also am endeavoring to create something new everyday, but the definition and aim of this is very fluid.
Like everything in life, if it serves you well to know it, all you need to do is practice and "bone up" on the matter to achieve and realize more in the passing days than you did however long ago you had begun. Also, it plays into that saying that anything worth having involves a struggle and tedium of working hard to accomplish that said something (which in the basis of leaving this exemplification open-ended and applicable to anything, the "something" to which reference holds is left unsaid).
I'm not sure if you care enough to right it, but I think this topic's opening exposition is more on the nature of life, and your own personal anecdote of how this "living and learning" applies to it; meaning: I think your thread serves more purpose as a general discussion sort of matter than weaponry, really, seeing as it involves an admittedly broad closing audience query regarding "what we have learned".
Each day, I learn life is not easy, over and over again. (neither is telepathic, wholly understood communications, but I'm working on this.)
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world (that is the myth of the Atomic Age) as in being able to remake ourselves. —Mohandas K. Gandhi