[i]it's too fucking much. there are appropriate dogs for appropriate people. little thug wannabes don't need attack dogs.[/B]
small rant here.
When are people going to realize that it's not the fucking dog, or the fucking gun, knive etc. It's what these assholes do with them. The dogs are that way because the owners want them to be that way. Pit's are in style, so that's what gets the rep. If another dog gets fashionable, you'll be saying the same thing about them after a while. These are not "attack dogs" btw. That's just more urban mythology that we get stuck with by a media thats loves sensational headlines.
Wake up people. There is no such thing as a dog that's pre-programmed to attack everything in sight. No pre-programmed blood lust genecticaly encoded into them. Even a golden retreiver can be trained to attack.
Start putting the blame where it belongs for crying out loud. Of course that would mean that we'd actually have to confront the people, and make them accountable for their actions right? Not exactly PC, or comfortable to do is it? Much easier to blame the dog or weapon.