'Sugarbabe' favors negotiated infidelity - CNN.com
tl,dr version:
Woman gets dumped by married man she has been "kept" by; unfortunately, her only income was being the man's hot pocket.
Rather than using the psychology degree that she has to find a job, woman decides to indulge her co-dependency issues, and becomes grand-a-week prostitute.
Woman comes to the conclusion that men are no smarter than their dicks, and advises women to put up with their douchebag mates if they want to keep a roof over their head.
(This isn't about polyamory; the person in a polyamorous has even
less reason to stray outside the boundaries of the relationship compared to someone in a monogamous relationship, according to the reasoning of Sugardupe. Get caught straying outside of a polyamorous relationship, and I imagine you have some 'splainin' to do to TWO Lucys.)
So, does anyone still buy the tired "me man, me fuck" biological argument/quakery as to why douchebags can't keep their dicks within the confines of a relationship?