Originally Posted by preacher
A parable of The Fuck™
Behold, my brothers. . .is a woman not like unto a fruit?
Verily, let us consider. . .
When the banana is bought at the market, is it not firm and ripe. . .the very perfection of all that a banana should be?
It is carefully selected for its lack of outward flaw and doth please the eye and taste of any who do love to eat of the delicious fruit.
But after a few days, doth not the outer skin of the banana begin to show spots, yea, even flaws that are not pleasing unto the eye?
Yet within the skin, is not the fruit still ripe, firm, and delicious? Does it still not please the tastes of he who consumes the banana despite the flaws in appearance? Yea, the banana still doth please, yet shall not be sought after as the perfect banana it once was.
But lo, my brothers! As the days pass, does not the banana's skin darken with an unsavory appearance? Does not the firm, ripe fruit begin to soften, and in places doth disgust he who tastes of it? Doth not the very appearance of the aged banana turn away those who would have sampled the fruit without question a short time before? Yea, the fruit of the banana will still be consumed, but only by those who shall purchase it at a lesser price. . .or who shall recieve it for free.
And hark, brothers. . .as but a few more days pass, does not the banana become loathsome? The fruit is soft and foul and fit only for those who are desperate for sustenance, no matter the flavor. Verily, doth not the skin blacken and testify of the rot within? Does not he who owneth such rotten fruit desire to return to the market for new bananas to replace that which are no longer sweet in appearance to him?
Verily, my brothers. . .are bitches not like bananas as they age?