you two have a connection, yet you both have your eyes out for the possibilities of the future that may not involve eachother.
for now, i say keep a loose friendship with her, perhaps friends with benefits, but don't keep it terribly serious. you both seem like you're looking to drift away eventually, so there's no need to rack yrou mind with emotional what-if's. you're about to head off to college. i garuntee you that you will discover a whole new world in respect to the fairer sex. by keeping loose ties to this past lover, severing those ties will be so much easier when you decide it's time to grow into your new life. i know i'm sounding pretty noncommital here, but i just don't see you two living happliy ever after. you're both young and coming into yourselves. there is no need to hinder your own personal development for a relationship that has no real future.
My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
- Thomas Paine