Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Oh Dear, I was hoping for Troll, now I am hoping for something much Jazzier, but then, I think we can take this "preacher" for what he is, a lonely dude who has to manipulate and objectify women to get laid.
Thanks for the link B_G, now can you find me a link to help stop my skin from crawling after reading over some of that hate filled bullshit. preacher, you are not a nice man at all, the posting of pictures of your conquests is repulsive, reprehensible and displays your true nature as a seriously warped individual. I am trying to avoid being banned so I will say nothing more, for to speak to you in the way that I would like to I would assuredly be banned, although it may be worth it to tell you exactly what I think of you………. lets just say I find your posts to define your character and your, whatever that trash heap of a hate site is, to define your mental immaturity and general hate for womankind. Gross.