So, my uncle shot and killed himself this morning. He has been a life long manic depressive and bipolar. He was an alcoholic and a drug addict. He shot himself once before in the shoulder but survived the attempt. I physically stopped him once after than by tackling him and removing the gun from him.
Over the years we were quite close, had many good times together. I lived about 3.5 hours from him so I didn't get to see him as often as I would have liked. Recently he would call me and ask for money, or just needed someone to talk to. I slowly began resenting him for his behaviour and eventually started to not return his phone calls. I feel responsible for his death. I know I probably shouldn't, but I just can't help it. Maybe if I had taken his calls, or been a shoulder to cry on, he wouldn't have done it. Just two days ago, I was talking with my wife and I told her I was tired of him always threatening suicide and wished he would just do it. I said it in anger. I would give anything to take it back now.
I have no real point, I just really needed to say this outloud.
"Your life is Yours alone...Rise up and live it"