Yeah I've been there before. Sometimes you just get so caught up with...well everything involved with having a crush. You think there is no way she'd like the real me and you feel pressured to impress and once that happens everything just starts getting awkward and out of control. Suddenly you're doing and saying stupid things (that still make you cringe 15 years later) or worse do nothing out of fear of screwing up. She either gets annoyed, insulted or just bored waiting for you to make a move and the whole thing falls apart. We've all been there.
Personally I think judging your own character based on an awkward experience with a crush is just wee bit too harsh. Hell if I was being judged by the stupid things I did around attractive women...well its late and I can think of anything to go there but you get the point. Anyway the awkwardness I felt around attractive women has almost completely disappeared since my early 20's, why? Learning and growing from my past mistakes. Each time I found myself in that position it got easier because I tried not to do the stupid things I did the last time around and eventually it just started clicking for me.
Best of luck.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”