I should probably take a few words to clarify my conclusion.
The video has a muddled message. It seems like it's saying, "There's something wrong with the world, and it probably has something to do with mind control and the Jews...."
In hindsight, and after my post above, if it took the "straight goods" sincere approach, it might have come out to say something like:
Our society is controlled by the Jews through NLP and subliminal brainwashing via television and movies. We are being poisoned by fluoride and vaccinations, and 9/11 was an inside job to keep us in fear and therefore dependent on both ideological and repressive state apparatuses.
We are pacified and otherwise kept as happy consumers of disposable goods and entertainment such as clothing, cars, furniture, cheap fast food, formulaic sitcoms, and professional sports.
There is nothing we can do to change it. We are slaves to our masters despite thinking we are actually free.
Blah, blah, blah, you know the rest.
Bottom line: he's full of shit. Sure, the world isn't a pretty place, but he's not quite getting it right.