I am a firm believer that this movie is very close to what is truly happening. John Carpenter is one of the few directors or people in the media that consistently points to the secret underbelly wanting to take over that may exist.
As the clips I bring forth say, take away the campy sci-fi storyline and look under it and see how accurate what this movie says. I truly like what these clips say and think we better waken because I don't think we have much more time before the end.
I think the only thing I can truly disagree with is that I believe there is a very distinct and not even subtle anti semitic/christianity movement in this country and possibly the world.
I also tend to believe that there are at least 2 groups one that passively and at times will actively try to awaken the people (hence the allowed making and release of They Live among other movies, books and media or even people like John Lennon, allow Rebel Celtic and others to get away on the internet with the Rebel Celtic messages) and the ones that actively control all and want to keep us asleep and they work to make those things that are allowed through to be labeled insane, paranoia and so on.
So what do you think? Did what the Rebel Celtic show change you views of the movie or life in general?
Do you think any of what he proposes is possible? Why or why not?
Let's hear your thoughts.