How about more precise stats than "1 in 4 children are abused by a family member"? Family member is vague--that could be a sibling, a cousin, an aunt, an uncle, etc.
Well, since we've opened this can of worms:
From the NCANDS statistics (2001) provided by the Department of Health and Human Services:
9.6% of child maltreatment cases nationwide were child sexual abuse.
That is 1.2 children per 1000 children.
Parents were the perpetrators in approximately 40% of cases.
Other relatives were the perpetrators in approximately 60% of cases.
Child sexual abuse decreased from 1997-2001.
The above is taken from Family Violence in the United States by Hines, Malley-Morrison, 2005.
These statistics do not tell the whole story as Child Protective Services across the U.S. do not get involved in cases of extrafamilial CSA (Finkelhor, 1994).
Hines, Malley-Morrison also notes that no empirical link has been established between pornography and child sexual abuse.
There are a variety of factors that predict the likelihood of CSA: Stepdaughters are more likely to be victims of abuse than a natal daughter, stepfathers are more likely to be abusers, emotionally unavailable mothers contribute to the likelihood of CSA (Hines, Malley-Morrison, 2005). In a biologically intact family, CSA is more likely to occur if the mother drinks but the father does not (Vogeltanz, Wilsnack, Harris, Wilsnack, Wonderlich, and Kristjanson, 1999). Further, families where CSA occurs are generally dysfunctional, disorganized, may have other forms of child maltreatment present, have a number of disruptions (moving frequently, parental absence, parental separation, conflict), parents may be uncaring, and the family may lack emotional closeness (Hines, Malley-Morrison, 2005).
Given what the OP has shared about her family life here and in other posts, I highly doubt they are a family at risk after reviewing all of the microsystem predictors of CSA as outlined in Hines and Malley-Morrison's Family Violence in the United States. Further, since there is NO EMPIRICAL LINK between pornography and CSA, I think that the behavior presented in the OP can be disregarded as a possible predictor, because it isn't.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau