yeah, I think everyone's being a bit too liberal here.
As someone who has witnessed what sexual abuse can do, I think you should be concerned...
Concern Number one: INCEST. Like hello, you are parents. You HAVE children...
Anyone having fantasies like that sends up a HUGE RED FLAG in my book.
In America 1 of 4 children are sexually abused by a FAMILY MEMBER. And just to be clear about this, it's ILLEGAL and incredibly damaging to be the victim of sexual abuse especially by a parent.
Concern Number two: Sexual obsessiveness is NOT healthy. I'm as horny as any dude but to masturbate a dozen times in one day is not healthy. Ask any doctor. Being so raw physically and continuing to jerk-off is just not healthy and (dare I say it here,) not normal.
Concern Number three: What sexual compulsion is arousing him so much? RAPE? INCEST? Forced sex is illegal in the civilized world. You said yourself that he was kind of rough during sex with you that time.
Did you enjoy being hurt by him? Especially when pregnant? Do ya think he's punishing your unborn twins by pounding you like that?
Ridiculous you say? Why? This seems to be the fodder of his fantasies.
Why not go to some sort of couples-counciling.
You are not "single" sexual partners anymore, YOU ARE PARENTS.
You two better get on the same page about what is motivating these sexual fetishes/compulsions and how he needs to integrate himself back into your marriage.
I hate to think where this is going if it goes unaddressed.