This is a show that desperately needs to figure out what to do with characters who aren't involved in the A plot.
Tara is just miserable about something and doesn't do anything of importance or interest in any episode, just like season 2.
Sam is lonely and trying to find out about his past, but doesn't really do anything interesting...just like season 2.
Jason is torn up about having killed someone...just like with Eddie. Other than that, he does nothing but feel guilty. I've seen this particular movie before.
Lafayette is sassy and is involved in the dangerous V trade. Just like season 1. And season 2. At least he's entertaining, though.
Alan Ball needs to learn to either severely withdraw focus from unused characters (a la The Wire) or kill them off (a la every Joss Whedon show). Keeping them around for no reason is just boring, except for Lafayette cause he's fun.
"You have reached Ritual Sacrifice. For goats press one, or say 'goats.'"