Originally Posted by Lasereth
Good God that Kinect skit with the asian girl and tiger was downright cringe worthy. The presenter was god awful and the whole thing was so scripted. Stop Skittles, that tickles!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Yeah, the whole thing was so stupid. What a waste of such cool technology. "Hey, we've made this awesome new way to play games using camera only. You don't need controllers anymore! Our first game? It's this game where you can pet a tiger cub. That's it. I guess he does a few tricks. Why don't you come spend $200+ on this game and Kinect instead of adopting your own real pet and building an actual relationship with it?"
Originally Posted by Jetée
As much as I've mostly ignored the E3 expo for the past several years (or more exactly, as little I really paid close attention to it) I do find myself geetting back into the habit of following the rolling updates for this year's convention. I've come across and invested about 2 hours worth of article/blog reading this week alone, and while I still don't have many definitive talking points, (nor can I remember which blogs I actually read) I just wanted to drop in and post this:
This is actually my first year keeping up with E3 too. I guess this summer has been extremely boring and depressing, so I've needed something to waste my time on. At least it's pretty easy for me to talk about this year's expo since most of it has been pretty shitty. Honestly, between the crappy games for Kinect, the super advanced features called "buttons" on the Move, and the same CoD, MoH, and whatever FPS's that come out every 6 months, there really hasn't been anything that has actually wowed me. It just feels like most everything is more of the same.
Having said that, I admit I am very interested in the coop feature for Portal 2....