There is a big move today towards eliminating health care disparities. If you were to do some research you would find that there are a number of issues related to ethnicity that need to be resolved in some manner. Such as Asians and esophageal cancers, Africans and colon cancer, death rates of newborns and Native Americans, Syphilis rates and homosexuals. Now, in this new age of electronic medical records we can plug in a patient's ethnicity and we are alerted to preventative screenings that are a bit more specific to that patient's needs. We can be a lot more successful at treating conditions at the earlier stages than waiting until symptoms occur. This leads to happier and healthier patients and a much more efficient manner of spending our healthcare dollars. There is no agenda here other than taking better care of patients. Would you not be pissed at yourself knowing that failing to answer a question may have been what prevented you from getting the screening procedure 5 years earlier than the general population and saving your life?
I am only a little spoon in a huge world of soup.