Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
I'm certain those terms are antiquated, but they are the ones I feel comfortable using. I'm certainly not going to suddenly start calling my gay friends, coworkers, and family "fags". It's just not going to ever happen. In my opinion, it's a misstep to repurpose those words in a positive way. Like I said, it didn't work for the black community...
Well, as I mentioned above, it works within the community, rather than outside of it. I'm not about to start calling people fags and dykes either.
"Nigga" vs. "fag/dyke" isn't an equal comparison. Each community has its own set of characteristics, challenges, histories, and events. The problem with the N-word is that it's still highly inflammatory and political, and then you have the problem of gansta rap and other music with values that conflict with the wider community or otherwise problematize the issue. The gay community doesn't have the same problem.