Hunnychile, the Invisible College is a global network of psychics and telepaths who mediate all newly transmitted unspeakable ideas between the Earthworld and the otherworldly entities in attempts to provide solutions for all the various factions involved piloting the human race forward co-creating the future. It has existed for thousands of years, back to the Egyptian Pharaohs, Akhenaten , Moses, the Brotherhood of Melchizedek, the Inca and Aztecs.
For more recent information about the Invisible College, google Drunvalo, or Terrance McKenna.
Ring, sometimes big money is involved, with some factions. Other factions don't care about money at all, in fact they gain power by refusing to touch money.
When I talk about power some of these groups have, it's spiritual, metaphysical, mystical power. The power of ancient wisdom. The power of Love.
Men often love other men because of their knowledge. They want what other men have in the way of their strength of faith, or for their understanding or skill of Art.
Often religious zealots have no money, artists have no money, but they are loved and people will follow them to the ends of the earth. This sort of influence can be more dangerous than big money. In many ways they are rivals, the money holders and the penniless. Greed is a root cause of evil wrought in the world.
The power of those who refuse to deal with cash profits, they are more wholesome, complete, free, and authorized to govern the masses.
Those with all the cash do most of the governing however, to the misfortune of innocence.
What I find most intriguing about the illuminati is the way all the rival factions subsist together with the mutual responsibility of informing people, enlightening them, meanwhile keeping them from advancing too far with their powers.
Like the freemasons, they have their fingers in every aspect of society, law enforcement, media, education, entertainment, food service, transportation, everything.
Many people will rear their heads saying "I don't believe in magical powers", but these people are ignorant, silly and narrow minded. One doesn't have to look very far to find proof of the miraculous and magical. Most people just don't care to look, and it's really not their place to know anyhow.
Last edited by The_Jazz; 05-24-2010 at 11:37 AM..