Food combinations
Recently, I came across a list of unusual food combinations (things you normally wouldn't think of combining together), and Grancey and I noticed that we already ate a lot of the combinations on the list and considered them "normal." So, we've been wanting to try the other combinations on the list.
These are the things that are supposed to be unusual combinations, but we already eat them that way:
Carrots and sugar - you cook them down until the carrots are glazed
Coffee and salt - every Southerner knows to add a pinch of salt to the coffee grinds before they're brewed.
Chocolate and coffee - well, duh.
Chocolate and chili - another Southern thing, I guess. Every time I make a pot of chili, I break up a Hershey's bar and toss it in.
Strawberries and pepper - the pepper intensifies the strawberry flavor, but you can't taste the pepper.
These are the unusual food combinations that we want to try, but haven't gotten around to it yet:
Tomatoes and sugar - raw, sliced tomatoes with some sprinkled sugar (not salt).
Meat and aniseed - supposedly one of the secrets of all the meat dishes at The Fat Duck.
Tomatoes with the branch - when cooking tomatoes, toss in one of the branches to enhance the flavor
Potatoes and nutmeg - any potato dish
Apples and vanilla - like the strawberries and pepper, the vanilla intensifies the apple flavor while you can't taste the vanilla.
I wonder if anybody else has any interesting food combinations?
Living is easy with eyes closed.