The Myers-Briggs is not particularly useful in romantic situations, unfortunately.
As to your later question, I met my SO when I least expected it, and that is the thing I really try to impress upon people: the universe will plop your partner in your lap when you are damn good and ready, comfortable with yourself and your skin, so practice patience but have fun in the meantime. I met my SO in a bar. I wasn't looking for an attachment, but there he was, and he was too good to pass up. We're getting married this summer 2 days after our 5 year anniversary.

We built a connection by spending time with each other. I was lucky to have met my match in intensity--I didn't scare him away with my obvious interest and he was relieved that he didn't have to do all the pursuing, although he still ribs me because I wouldn't give him my phone number (I gave him my AIM handle instead).
It really comes down to patience. I think if you get too hung up on finding a relationship and trying to seek one out, you'll just give off an air of desperation and scare off potential partners. Intensity is one thing, desperation another. Instead of casting about for a relationship, just have fun. Don't go out with the aim of meeting guys--go out with the aim of having a good time. Before long, they'll be coming to you.