Originally Posted by DaveOrion
While Oklahoma City & 9/11 were both terrorist attacks I think the reasoning behind them is significant. McVeigh's actions were directly related to Waco, the intrusion of the gov into religious beliefs. The 9/11 attacks were directly related to radical Muslims who believe all infidels should be converted or die.
Whoever was responsible for the recent bombing attempt doesnt change the fact that radicals still want us (US) gone.
The idea that one act was more "justifiable" than the other is nonsense. Especially since the idea that Al Qaeda and so on want to "convert or kill" all infidels is false. It is a lot more about a misguided idea of defense of Muslims and Muslim territories than converting and killing infidels. That is why the US is a major target, given it's association with Israel and with military bases in the middle east. That is why up until the Gulf war the groups that eventually became Al Qaeda had no problems with the US, and actually gladly accepted their help against the USSR. That is why Saudi Arabia is a bigger target for Al Qaeda than the Vatican, China, and other states that have an official religion (or official lack of religion).
Originally Posted by DaveOrion
Unfortunately the more mainstream Muslims seem to support their radical brethren. From the letter...
Bullshit. Mainstream Muslims don't support their "radical brethren.