Originally Posted by DaveOrion
the guy in this video, 3rd one down, doubt you'll be inviting him.
Revolution Muslim
But innocent people are the ones who pay, not the American gov. Sure they tried to hit the pentagon on 9/11 but the big target was civilian. I disagree with your view anyway, the radicals want the infidels converted or dead, I dont see any middle ground here. Unfortunately the more mainstream Muslims seem to support their radical brethren. From the letter...
I was only making a silly comment about the "lite" southern bashing that went on in another thread, guess you missed that one.
Time for lunch, beer anyone?
you're quoting an islamic site that quotes a mixture of wahabi and hizb-e-tahrir literature. but then again you probably didnt know that did you? a muslim is a muslim is a muslim to most people.
and yeah i'd invite the guy to my place.. to slap him around a couple of times. yeah, sure.
im not sure which site you've been reading, but ive known and met a countless number muslims from across the globe. i am yet to meet one that has justified the killing of an innocent person. not one. some may justify it as collatoral damage as a result of war ( and thats debateable even from withing islamic circles), but not one radical muslim ive met has stated that non-muslims (or infidels as you'd like to call them - it sounds like a more inciteful word doesnt it?) are fair game if they do not convert.
even OBL has stated that he's leave the USA alone if they stopped meddling in saudi arabia, so its not really a matter of 'kill the infidel' rather than 'leave us alone' and we'll leave you alone.
p.s. apologies for my host-like post previously