Originally Posted by The_Jazz
Thus far, I think that the evidence is pointing to Times Square being the work of the Talibubba, not the Taliban. We don't need no illegals takin' jorbs from us good, decent white terrorists!
But on topic, I don't think much about "Muslims that live in the US, yet seem to have nothing but jihad on their minds?" Honestly, they're entitled to their opinions. It's sort of the foundation of the country. We've got enough native-born folks here at TFP that are ready for an armed insurrection against the government, and I don't have anything against their opinions either. I don't agree with them and I don't particularly like those opinions, but I don't spend much time or energy thinking about them outside of threads where they're relevant.
Lots of folks, dark skinned and light skinned, have it in for the US government and the American people. Let's all remember that the second largest terrorist act on US soil was the work of one of our homegrown dickweeds. And that lots of their ilk have been slithering around recently.
While Oklahoma City & 9/11 were both terrorist attacks I think the reasoning behind them is significant. McVeigh's actions were directly related to Waco, the intrusion of the gov into religious beliefs. The 9/11 attacks were directly related to radical Muslims who believe
all infidels should be converted or die.
Whoever was responsible for the recent bombing attempt doesnt change the fact that radicals still want us (US) gone.