Originally Posted by dc_dux
Gallup compares Obama's job approval rating with past presidents....and he stands up pretty well.
For example:
Obama, April 19-25, 2010 - 50% approval
Reagan, April 22-26, 1982 - 43% approval
Clinton, April 22-24, 1994 - 48% approval
Presidential Job Approval Center
Filtheron is correct. If you look below the surface of the polls, a statistically significant portion of the dissatisfaction with the Democrats in Congress is coming from the left, upset that the Congressional agenda is not liberal enough.
And while the Democrats in Congress approval numbers are lowest in recent years, they still top Republican numbers in most polls.
Job approval - Congressional Democrats
Job approval - Congressional Republicans
In the longer term, the demographics favor the Democrats, given that the profile of the Republican party is older, whiter, and male (much like those who say they support the Tea Party movement).
Unless the Republican party becomes less socially conservative, it will continue to alienate women and, even more so, minorities. In another 25-30 years, the majority of the population in the US will be minorities.
Fair enough maybe, I will concede if wrong. But the numbers I saw showed a very strong decrease in Barry's numbers, I was talking about my own aforementioned "aberration". Barack's numbers have slid heavily since his election, the democrats numbers have slid steadily.
Admittedly the Republicans have made no ground... at the same time, the most pressing and relevant thing I saw was that Independent voters have swung strongly against the administration and Barry. A lot of my posts in this thread were speculation, but I assure you I posted those numbers in good faith.
I've taken a strong time of from tfp, can't even recall the length, and I don't want to go back to how it was. Saying that I apologize if I come of as combative or divisive, I think I've fallen on a political plane of apathy.
Dc_Dux my numbers had Barry at 48% not far off of your 50%, but from what I saw he was at 62% back in Nov. (Roughly what I posted)
In answering multiple responses to my post, here goes...
Originally Posted by filtherton
Interesting interpretations, mojo. I don't know that you can necessarily extrapolate approval numbers to make statements about America's political leanings. For instance, there are a whole slew of liberal reasons to strongly disapprove of Obama's performance. Perhaps if you found data that corrected for political affiliation your interpretation would have more credibility.
I'm sorry if I over stepped my bounds, but I think the numbers I posted were relevant.
Barry ran on a lot of things that were different from the status quo of 02' to 08'. And your mention of liberal disapproval, I'm sure correlates to things such as Gitmo still being open, Iraq still being an issue, and from what I at best guess is an escalation in Afghanistan?
I don't know what my political affiliation is, I'm sure it would be safe to label it republican as I am not down with what most of the dems do. Like I said the Repubes, didn't offer anything, and I was always told you can't talk shit if you do not cast a vote, so I did.
The only thing I was mostly pressing with my last post with those recent poll numbers, I think fairly state things. Yes there was a massive shift in favor between the parties starting in 06' and culminating in 08'. I would just ask you to honestly look at the numbers i presented.
Barack won with a shift from the center based on his claims for change. The numbers I pulled which I hope are independent as they are gallop (seriously aren't shifting me) are clearly showing a strong disapproval with how he proceeded from his election. Maybe I'm arguing semantics, or maybe I'm missing your point. But without having to link some polls, or editorials, or websites, I know that a lot of people are feeling disappointed, and more so perhaps those who get the lime light are feeling pissed off. Perhaps I should silence my opinions until the midterms so as not to agitate somebody?