I apparently had a reply i can't view?...
Okay, I'll bite. Why aren't you a booty call? To avoid labels and self-esteem issues? Do you require a relationship to get off? Why not enjoy good sex?
I think a lot of girls are hung up on these things. I've never thought of any of the girls I've hooked up with for straight snarlin' as _insert derogatory title_.
It's not about self-esteem, not about needing to be 'attached' to get off, it's more about the way it came about.
There was just a ot of mixed reviews about this guy after this from good friends. They all seem to think that he's not allowed to call me just to fuck, but if I happen to call him to do just that, it's fine.
I'm more or less interested in knowing why the double standard. I've been around the block, had some awesome one-nighters, and some great FWB and I know the rules I know how the game is played out.
Just why? Why is it ok for me to call someone when all my intentions are only to satisfy some carnal need, but it's not ok, to accept his call for the same?
-more of a just really wanting to know what others think on the subject.