I've come to realize something very coincidentally-astounding over the past week, and that is, from most of random sources, even when they don't
actually state where they got their images from, more and more of them I end up eventually finding at this
vast repository.
So, like the quoted image, I eventually discovered it in time to have a caption, date, and photographer to add to it in order give some context to the photograph.
Originally Posted by Jetée
August 22, 1960 ; Grayland, Washington, USA
Three nuns play in the ocean surf near Grayland.
They were part of a group of seven nuns who were
able to spend a week at the seashore as part of a
new vacation program.
-- courtesy of the Bettmann Collection.
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August, 1978 ; Near Chilmark, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, USA ;
Photo by © Charles E. Rotkin/CORBIS
A nun (or person dressed as a nun) strolls along Lucy Vincent Beach, a notorious nude bathing beach,
on Martha's Vineyard. Several men, waist deep in the surf, watch her pass by reading a book.