so comparing sexual assault and dog fighting are the same?
oh..I get it, Vick went to prison and should never have been allowed back into the league. Hmm.. I guess that kinda means there's no such thing as redemption and that once you commit a crime, there's no such thing as going back to normal after doing the time.
Ben deserves what he gets. He's a super bowl winning quarterback. There are responsibilities that come with that kind of success.. putting yourself into stupid situations is ignoring the responsibilities.
We don't know what really happened with girl #2. The girl being blacked out didn't help and the DNA samples being what they were didn't help either side. The fact of the matter is that he's now been accused of sexual assault twice. Think of all the thousands of other athletes that never get charged even once. Big Ben puts himself into stupid situations and now he has to pay. He's lucky he's only getting what he's getting.
As far as Tiger goes, he did play to admiring fans, but it wasn't nearly what it used to be and the PGA is not the NFL. In the PGA, you damage yourself, not your team. Tiger was stupid, and if you want to look at it, he's lost more than Ben has, monetarily as well as quite possibly personally in regards to his family.
Last edited by Glory's Sun; 04-21-2010 at 01:24 PM..