Originally Posted by DaveOrion
The first time was total BS and everyone knows it. That women came forward a year later, thats right A YEAR, never went to hospital and was basically a gold digger who thought she could make a quick buck off Ben. Wouldnt be the first time something like this has been seen.
As far as I know bad judgment isnt a crime or anything even close and I personally think its ridiculous and atrocious that nobody even tried to back the guy up. Ben gave Pittsburgh 2 Superbowl trophies and not one of his teammates or staff ever had anything positive to say. I find that appalling at the very least.
Actually, bad judgment can be seen as 'ignorance and defiance to the law and its upholders', so yeah, that doesn't excuse anyone. I should know, as I was once arrested in self-defense, but as I couldn't prove it, the law states that if you can avoid and leave the situation of your own volition with no impediment to your exit, then I was technically in the wrong for not choosing that path.
Regardless of that little example, again, every superstar athlete should know better than to party too hard, because in all likelihood, word will get out of your exploits (or supposed exploits). The first instance of this charge against Roethlisberger, while it was neither proven that she was victimized, nor that was a 'money-grubbing ho', should have at least instilled in Ben a sense of caution. Turns out it didn't, and he continues to want to be surrounded by 20-year-old girls, and imbibe alongside the underaged drinkers, and then perhaps go further.
I can't say what did or didn't happen, as I don't work for ESPN and speculation is not my forte. What I can say is that Ben deserved the suspension he received, and while there may be an outcry of those who don't understand why he is being punished, doesn't understand the politics and motives for the NFL senior management to promote this league as 'wholesome', and would continue this 'Wild West' way of running its personnel and endorsers for as long as they see fit. Truth is, Goodell is running the show as Bill Hickok, and I really think he's doing an upstanding job at it, considering all the duties he must maintain (even if at this time it seems all he does is hand out suspensions for good reason).