Do not be self-absorbed. This is a biggie. Think about it.
Never believe that people are always looking at you, watching you and noticing you. They are not.
Discover empathy.
Be aware of what is going on around you at all times.
Listen, and hear.
Be receptive when others reach out to you.
Reach out to others, but use tact. You don't want to come across as creepy.
Formal thank you notes are fine, but don't overdo it. A simple thank-you text or email is fine and sometimes better.
Listen with your ears and with your eyes.
When speaking to people, look them in the eyes. Try very hard not to let your eyes stray.
Did I say listen?
I don't have friends who are not classy, so I will think about them and their traits and get back to you again.
Quiet, mild-mannered souls might just turn out to be roaring lions of two-fisted cool.
Last edited by Grancey; 04-13-2010 at 09:07 AM..