Like I said... it's all relative. What is scathed? What is damaged? You can't quantify these things. The trials and tribulations of a spoiled Beverly Hills teenager don't line up with those of a kid growing up outside Gardez, Afghanistan. One wants a Ferrari for Sweet 16, one wants indoor plumbing.
If we're all "damaged" then nobody is damaged. This Dr. Phil touchy-feely shit is ridiculous. OP as a loose example: Let's say she was in an abusive relationship with some dickhead. And let's say she's afraid that she's developed habits that would make a guy notice she's been in an abusive relationship. Now let's say she tells guys that she's been in an abusive relationship after X period of time. This particular brand of hard knocks isn't a whole lot different than her telling the guy she's saving her virginity for marriage or that she refuses to date someone who isn't Catholic or that she used to do a lot of coke at college. It's just another relationship trait checklist with assorted "must have / don't care / dealbreaker" items.
Am I making sense or am I off in one of my sub-85-IQ rants that are largely dismissed by the damaged college grads here at the board?
Last edited by Plan9; 04-11-2010 at 06:28 PM..