But it's all relative... and that Q&A session is emotional masturbation.
That's just another "we're all beautiful and unique snowflakes" copout, dude. "We've all had it easy" (USA), "we've all had it rough" (whatever group), "I've survived more than you" (self-centered douches)... blah-blah-blah . Circle jerks galore. I'd rather this thread focused on something positive.
I think the point of this thread is to encourage individual growth. You can waste your time looking at your scars or you can stand up and head out to get some more. Not everybody chooses to do this. Some people like to be broken. But most of us "get some, go again." And that's the right move.
For those who feel that such a philosophy ignores history and... uh... feelings, let me suggest that those things (people) are too often used as self-imposed obstacles, scapegoats, excuses, and handicaps. For me? I know I used all that shit in the past to prop me up in place of a real spine. It's all bad--don't do it. Treat it like you'd treat a car wreck: check yourself for holes, salvage what you can, and move on.
Last edited by Plan9; 04-11-2010 at 06:19 PM..