I got into a huge fight at work about a month ago. Working at an urban strip club this is nothing new, but this one was a real brawl.
I'm working in the VIP section and I see a latino guy get tackled in the DJ booth by a bouncer, with 5 other guys trying to get at the latino. I run to the booth and step between the bouncer and the 5 gangbangers, which is now apparently 12 of them. "That guy stole my chain!"... "That bitch stole my brother's chain! That fucking chain was 10 grand!"
The latino is safe under the bouncer, but the bouncer isn't safe. I'm holding my ground with 4 of these guys trying to push passed me into the booth. My manager crawls between my legs, then stands up and turns around to try to calm the guys down. They're pretty beligerent, so before long he's screaming "Get the fuck back! Get back!" I turn around and face the guys, who have stopped pushing and resorted to shouting. They approach a bit, ignoring my manager and screaming incoherently. "GET BACK! GET THE FUCK BACK NOW," I scream. By this point I'm pretty flustered. Then, one takes a swing over my head and hits my manager. So it begins.
I jump on this guy's neck, wrapping him down to the ground and into a table. We scrap for a few seconds and someone else pulls me up into an arm lock. I pull my arms free and sock him in the face. Suddenly I'm pushed hard from the side into the bar. A guy grabs the metal pole that supports the velvet rope and tries to leap over the bar, so I jump on his back and rip him off of the bar, destroying the Red Bull machine and the lining on the bar in the process. I'm choking him when someone else grabs me by the legs and drags me away, so I roll over and kick him square in the testicles. I stand up, and two people tackle me from different directions, knocking the wind out of me. Meanwhile, the bouncer is still with the latino and my manager is trying to shout something about nonviolence and brotherhood.
Things calm down for a second and a guy gets upset again, so he slaps me across the face from behind. I turn around and try to push him away, but someone behind him is pushing him towards me while flinging a beer bottle over his head. The latino is getting walked out when my GM comes to the scene (only 5 minutes late), and tries to console the 'victims'. The guy whom I'd ripped off of the bar grabs a champaigne glass and shatters it on the floor. My manager shouts "Don't be breakin' my shit!" and gets hit in the face. Then, another latino only about 5'3'', grabs my GM's arm, and my GM flips.
Next thing I know, my GM is strangling the small latino against the bar, as if in some murderous rage. Everyone steps in to defend whichever person they favor (GM or small guy), and it becomes another mob riot. Finally, FINALLY, Armed Security shows up and escorts people out. I follow the crowd to the door, huffing and pacing around like a lion. The guys get escorted to their cars at gunpoint and the shit's finally over.
Somewhere along the line I took a good kick in the ribs and a shot to the throat, but I can't remember most of it. Apparently the whole thing lasted about 15 minutes according to the dancers and waitresses. I was pissed and desperate for nicotine, but the aftermath was quite pleasant. I got a lot of credit for that one, and my Regional Manager showed up to talk to me about. Long story short, I got a hundred dollar tip and about 50 hugs.