i would also suggest stop watching porn/jacking off for a bit. will it work? maybe, but it's certainly low on the investment end.
i find how much i am "involved" with myself has a great deal of effect on my ability to orgasm during sex. if i haven't done anything/had anything done to me in a week or so i'm practically jumping off the walls and i'm just lucky if i make it inside before i go off. conversely, if i know it's coming, and i am looking to extend my stamina, i'll whack off several times over the past few days/day of.
anyway, like i said above, it doesn't take much on your end to give it a try, see how it goes. good luck!
~I swear sometimes i feel like i'm married to a child.
~You better watch who you're calling a child, Lois, cause if i'm a child than you know what that makes you? a pedophile. and i'll be damned if i'm going to stand here and be lectured by a pervert.