Couple of reasons people don't fight, and it has little to do with the law.
1. You are
waaay softer than you think (and I think most people realize this deep down.) Even martial artists get this syndrome. I've known/met a lot of skillful (and mean/criminal) people, and only 1 of them (no, its not me) was actually a fighter. In other words, you will most likely get hurt...badly. Vast majority of people have no idea how painful or scary it can be. You feel like you're fighting for your life and sometimes you are.
2. When not drunk on drugs or anger we are a cowards for the most part. Most people won't accept it, but its true.
3. You probably have no skill or discipline.
So when confronted with a fight people tend to learn one of the reasons above about themselves and either not do it again or never go through with it in the first place (or go about it half-heartedly until its broken up like mentioned above.)
Getting away with it is fairly easy depending on the situation. But I'm not going to post tips on the internet.
Psychologically speaking, lol at
Obviously people like this weren't beaten enough by their parents, it almost feels like my civic duty to do it for society's sake.
You have it backwards. People who got beaten as a child are more likely to be the jerks you described.